
acute exposure中文什么意思

发音:   用"acute exposure"造句
  • 短时间强辐照
  • 短时间强照射
  • 短时间严重暴露
  • 急剧曝光
  • 急性暴露
  • 急性曝露
  • 急性照射量(放射)
  • 强烈辐照
  • 强曝光
  • acute:    adj. 1.锐,尖 (opp. blunt; obtu ...
  • exposure:    n. 1.曝露;曝晒;揭发。 2.【摄影】曝光;胶卷[软 ...
  • fatality on acute hf exposure:    急性接触氢氟酸死亡
  • exposure:    n. 1.曝露;曝晒;揭发。 2.【摄影】曝光;胶卷[软片]张数;曝光时间。 3.(房屋的)朝向,方位。 4.商品的陈列。 5.【历史】(婴儿的)曝弃。 exposure meter 曝光表。 correct exposure 适度曝光。 There are three exposures left on this film. 这个胶卷剩下三张没拍。
  • exposure to:    暴露,显露;曝光; 受到
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  1. Effects of market public para - dichlorobenzene mothball on the immune function of mice with sub - acute exposure
  2. Comparative effects of chelating agents on liver toxicity in mice induced by acute exposure to cadmium
  3. The degree to which chronic , low - level pollution constitutes a risk to biodiversity is less clear than for acute exposures , but several facts are worth noting
  4. For the acute exposure duration , there expressed the dose - thresholds and time - thresholds in the effects of cu2 + on the activities of cat , pod and sod in two macrophytes . when the test species were exposed at low dose and for a short period , cu2 + can stimulate activities of antioxidant enzymes . once exceeding the thresholds , cu2 + may inhibit enzymes activities
    Cu ~ ( 2 + )低浓度和短时间内对抗氧化酶有诱导作用,超过一定的阈限会产生抑制作用;金鱼藻cat 、 pod 、 sod活性在7天内的最大抑制率与暴露cu ~ ( 2 + )浓度呈显著正相关。
  5. Responses of antioxidant enzyme in plants to heavy metal and phytoremediation of heavy metal are increasingly concerned . at present , many researches concentrated on the effects of copper on antioxidant enzymes have been conducted at home and abroad , most of which were involved in the acute exposure at high dose




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  10. acute exudative glomerulonephritis 什么意思


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